Expanding ShelterBridge to Meet the Growing Need Nationwide

San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s recent decision to bus homeless individuals out of the city under the "Journey Home Executive Directive" has been on my mind a lot lately. This program prioritizes offering one-way bus tickets to homeless individuals before providing other essential services like housing or shelter. While the intent may be to manage the city’s growing homeless population, it raises significant ethical and practical concerns—especially when vulnerable people are sent to other states like Oregon, with little assurance of the support they’ll receive.

The safeguards that once ensured these individuals had a safe destination have been lowered, making this solution feel more like an attempt to push the problem elsewhere rather than genuinely helping those in need.

I’ve always believed that homelessness isn’t something that can be solved by simply moving people out of sight. The challenges highlighted by San Francisco’s directive only reinforce the need for ShelterBridge to expand nationwide. Homelessness is not confined to one city or state—it’s a national issue, and our response should reflect that. We’re actively recruiting new chapter leads across the country, passionate individuals who want to make a real difference in their communities. Together, we can ensure that no one faces homelessness alone, and that every person has access to the resources they need to find stability and hope.

If you’re youth and ready to be part of a compassionate solution, I invite you to join us at ShelterBridge - email us at shelterbridge24@gmail.com. Let’s work together to build a future where everyone, no matter where they are, has the opportunity to thrive.


Visiting Transition Projects: A Morning of Insight and Inspiration