Explore the latest happenings at ShelterBridge! We’re continuously working to expand our reach and enhance our platform to better serve those in need. Check out some of our recent milestones and exciting updates:

September 5th, 2024

August 31, 2024

August 16, 2024

August 15, 2024

August 13, 2024

August 9, 2024

Had an insightful virtual meeting with Catherine from New Haven Youth Homeless, where we received valuable feedback on ShelterBridge. Catherine’s excitement about the app was infectious, and she highlighted key areas for improvement, such as organizing the map by different colors for shelter programs, listing eligibility criteria, and adding notes on connecting with services. She also raised an important point about ensuring accurate information to prevent users from traveling long distances for unavailable services. With her input, we’re excited to refine the app and make it even more user-friendly and effective for those in need!

First Outreach to Transition Projects

August 6, 2024

made our first contact with Transition Projects, one of Portland’s key service providers for the homeless. This marks the beginning of what we hope will be a strong partnership to better serve our community.

Team is Recruiting

July 20, 2024

June 30

June 10

June 1st

New Collaboration with Multnomah County's MAAP Program!

We are excited to partner with the Multnomah County Access Attorney Program (MAAP) to enhance public safety and improve community access to justice. During a recent demo, we showcased our app's real-time available bed feature, which provides immediate shelter options for those in need. The feedback from the MAAP team was overwhelmingly positive, with attorneys emphasizing the app's potential to bridge gaps in accessing vital resources, support individuals in crisis, and enhance public safety through a compassionate, community-centered approach.

Our App is Now Live!

The ShelterBridge app is officially available on the App Store! Discover resources, chat with our bot, view shelters on the map, and see real-time available bed updates. Shelters can also register on our website to join the real-time network. This is just the beginning—more to come!

Seattle and LA Resources Added

We’re pleased to share that ShelterBridge has expanded to include resources for Seattle and Los Angeles, thanks to the efforts of our dedicated team members, Daisy and Alan. These additions will help individuals in both cities connect with shelters, food services, and other essential support. Expanding to these new areas is an important step in our ongoing mission to make accessing resources easier for those in need.

ASE Symposium Report

Claire proudly presented at the ASE Symposium, thanks to the support from ASE and Portland State University. She showcased how our AI-driven solutions are transforming access to social services through ShelterBridge. The presentation highlighted the app’s innovative features, and it was met with great enthusiasm. The support and feedback from the tech and academic community have motivated us to continue refining our solutions and expanding our impact for those in need!

Meeting with Blanchet House

Had an inspiring morning connecting with Gaby and Duke from Blanchet House, demoing ShelterBridge, and collecting valuable feedback. We explored ways to collaborate and support their mission, discussing ideas like adding eligibility criteria for shelters and a web version of the app for broader access. The enthusiasm and insights from the Blanchet House team reinforced our shared goal: making a real impact in the community. Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to bring even more resources to those in need!

Meeting with New Haven Youth

We’re growing and need passionate people like you! Just like serving up meals at Transition Projects, we’re looking for folks ready to make a difference. If you’re up for the challenge, join us—there’s a spot at the table!

Philadelphia Resources Added

ShelterBridge is now live in Philadelphia! We’ve added a comprehensive list of resources to assist those in need in the City of Brotherly Love, broadening our network of support.

Research with Portland State University Started

Claire Cao, our founder, has teamed up with Portland State University to enhance our AI-powered chatbot. Through this exciting collaboration, Claire is working on developing a Resource Augmented Generation (RAG) system to make our app even smarter and more responsive. This partnership is a big step forward in our mission to provide accessible and effective support for those in need.

First Demo Released

A huge milestone for ShelterBridge! We launched our very first demo, bringing our vision to life and giving a sneak peek of the impact we hope to achieve. This is just the beginning—there’s so much more to come!.