The Beginning of ShelterBridge: A Journey Towards Empowerment

It all started on a rainy spring afternoon in Portland. I was volunteering at a local shelter, handing out meals, when I met Dano. He’d been living on the streets for months, and his struggle to find consistent access to food, shelter, and basic services was heartbreaking. That day, something inside me clicked—I knew I had to do something.

I started to think about how we all rely on our cell phones and apps to get information, even help. But the homeless, who need these resources the most, are often left out because they don’t have regular access to cell phones or the internet. That’s when the idea for ShelterBridge came to me. I envisioned an app that could connect people like Dano with vital services such as food banks, shelters, and legal aid—all in one place.

Learning how to build the app wasn’t easy. I took online courses and watched countless YouTube videos on JavaScript, React, and using Google Cloud API. Slowly but surely, ShelterBridge began to take shape. One of the features I’m most proud of is the chatbox powered by AI, which allows users to get answers to their questions instantly. In today’s digital world, it’s crucial to include everyone, even the homeless, in the tech age, and I believe AI can play a big part in that.

I’m also excited about the idea of adding a review system for services, similar to Yelp. This would allow service providers to hear feedback and give homeless individuals a voice to share their experiences. ShelterBridge isn’t just for those in need; it’s for supporters too, so we can all work together to combat this complex problem.

The vision for ShelterBridge is simple: to bring those who are often left out into the fold of the digital world, giving them the tools they need to find stability and self-sufficiency. It’s not just an app; it’s a bridge to a better future.


Facing the Heat: Portland's Homeless Community in Hot Weather


Exciting Demo: The First Look at ShelterBridge App!